Worldwide taxfree shopping brought to your doorstep provides customer-friendly taxfree services above and beyond other taxfree organisations. Our platform ensures (online) retailers and their customers completely transparent and user-friendly processing of VAT refunds for products that have a destination outside the European Union. In doing so, it complies with laws and regulations imposed by the tax and customs authorities. is the first party to deliver this total service concept, which is an add-on to the existing taxfree services on the market. We offer a very interesting proposition for both online and physical retailers that consider customer service to be of paramount importance.

Why empowers partnered retailers in shipping their products worldwide, while guaranteeing a no-hassle export procedure.

This process ensures that customers who shop with our partners become eligible for a VAT Refund on their orders. This refund is transferred to the recipient of the package after expiration of the return period on their order.

We are happy to answer any questions regarding this process through the contact form below.

Group 11
No extra luggage
Group 12
No refund queues at the airport
Group 45
Transparent VAT refund process
Group 17
Track & Trace by UPS

The idea of ​​this service has emerged from the growth in internet sales to customers outside the EU, the increasing train traffic to the UK, and the demand from consumers that cannot or do not want to travel with the goods they have bought.

In order to set up a service that is efficient and manageable for both (online) retailers and consumers, a team of retailers, export experts and IT experts have built a platform over the past two years where the process can be carried out transparently and effectively. The process has already been successfully implemented a number of times.

The platform will be implemented free of charge at retailers, and the services are offered in accordance with the market standards of traditional tax-free parties. brings real added value to existing services, even opening up a whole new market for online parties.

The team was founded by an experienced team of retailers and export specialists in the SME sector.

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