Highway maintenance

How Suffolk highways are maintained, what to do if there's a highway maintenance emergency and how to claim for damage caused by highway defects.
Check which roads are gritted in Suffolk
See which roads are gritted and kept free from snow and ice by Suffolk Highways and how to keep up to date on Twitter in severe weather.
Highway Infrastructure Asset Management
Information about our policy, strategy and plans for maintaining highways assets in Suffolk.
Report a highways issue
You can report a highways issue in Suffolk quickly and easily online.
Road adoption
How to find out whether a road is maintainable at public expense (List of Streets), road adoption and the process for "stopping up" roads
Categories of roads, footways and cycleways
How we have classified our roads, footways and cycleways to help us prioritise highway maintenance in Suffolk.
Community Self-Help Scheme
Empowering town and parish councils to deliver minor maintenance works within their communities.
How highways are maintained
Learn how public highways in Suffolk are managed, inspected and maintained, and read our Highway Maintenance Operational Plan.
How we're working for you
Find out about Suffolk Highways and the pieces of work we're doing right now to make public highways in Suffolk safe and accessible.
Making a highways insurance claim
How to make a claim if you think a highway defect has caused injury or damage, what you need to prove before you make a claim and how we manage claims.
Repair criteria for highway defects
Find out how soon repairs are made by Suffolk Highways to repair defects on our roads.
Report a problem with a cycle lane
Report a problem with cycle lanes or tracks in Suffolk quickly and easily online by using our Highways Reporting Tool.
Reporting highway maintenance emergencies
Find out what a highways emergency is in Suffolk, what we need to know to assess the situation and who to contact about roads not managed by Suffolk Highways.
Trunk roads maintained by National Highways
Details of the A11, A12 and A14 trunk roads in Suffolk, including how they are managed and existing roadworks by National Highways.