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Translation of "大東流合気" in English

Daito-ryu Aiki
The techniques and training methods used have generally been inherited from Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu.
Daito-ryu Aiki jujutsu, which was a jujutsu school established by Sokaku TAKEDA, appeared and became famous in the later Meiji period.
Aikido was established by Morihei UESHIBA, who mastered Daito-ryu Aiki jujutsu (Daito school of the self-defense martial art), and other jujutsu schools such as Kito-ryu, Yagyu Shingan-ryu, Shinkage-ryu.
Having studied jujutsu from the Kito-ryu school, Yagyushingan-ryu school, etc., in his youth, he later became a disciple of Sokaku TAKEDA of Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu (the Daito style of self-defense) during the development of Hokkaido in 1915, and was accepted as a substitute instructor in 1922.
During the war, he constructed the Aiki Shrine.
ない個々 のカタ合気道では、大東流合気の関係の調和のためです。
There is no individual kata in Aikido, for Aiki is the harmony of relationships.
私は弓の 4 つの方向と祈るし、大東流合気神社の 1 時間半前に瞑想します。
Then I bow in the four directions and pray and meditate before the Aiki Shrine for an hour and a half.
スンアン健康体操 (健康のためのソフト演習)Toitsu 体操 (調整練習)大東流合気体操 (合気道の芸術の練習)すべての私たちは私たちの心と起拡張を練習する機会です。
Junan kenko taiso (soft exercises for health) Toitsu taiso (coordination exercises) Aiki taiso (exercises for Aikido arts) Everything we do is an opportunity to practice extending our mind and ki.
私は自分自身大東流合気とすべてのものを通ってコスモスとリンク - 私は、宇宙自体にすべての現象で呼吸に変換していますような気が。
I link myself with the cosmos through aiki and commune with all things - I feel as if I am transformed into the universe itself, breathing in all phenomena.
At this stage it was known as aiki-budo.
Yoshimitsu is also considered the founder of the Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu (a type of Jujutsu), an ancient Japanese martial art style.
In fact, Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu has various factions, and it's possible to view Aikido as one such faction.
Technically, some refer to Aikido as Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu, or the Ueshiba method, viewing it as one faction of Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu.
However, the clearest difference between Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu and Aikido is in the ideologies of how they position the purpose and meaning of martial arts.
Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu and Aikido both apply techniques in a circular movement, but aikido uses a relatively larger circular movement to apply techniques.
His martial art called 'Takemusu Aiki (Ueshiba school),' whose core techniques originated from Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu, spread to the public - though Ueshiba himself is said to have been unwilling to spread it - and evolved into the modern martial art called aikido.
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