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Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence Master's at BME VIK

For students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (VIK), Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Hungary

Human-centred artificial intelligence (AI) seeks to ensure that social and personal (ethical, moral, legal, safety, dependability, explicability, equal opportunity, etc.) considerations and values are central to the development, deployment, use and monitoring of AI systems. To this end, the HCAIM1 consortium has developed a 60 ECTS2 credit Master’s programme for universities with the participation of ten organizations – four universities, three centres of excellence and three business companies –from five countries. By completing the programme, students will aquire the knowledge to create and apply AI innovations that respect and protect human values, while exploiting the potential and advantage of AI for the benefit of today’s digital society.

The EU supported HCAIM project started in 2021. The HCAI Master's courses started in 2022 in the partner countries, either alone or embedded in an existing programme. As a consortium member, BME has announced the HCAI Master’s as a complementary programme for VIK students.

The fulfilment of the requirements of the HCAI Master's will be certified by a Diploma Supplement3, namely by the following entries in section 6.1.1. További információ/Additional information of the Diploma:

In Hungarian: „A hallgató teljesítette a Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence Master's (HCAIM) prog­ramban előírt kimeneti követelményeket, melyeket az INEA/CEF/ICT/A2020/2267304 azonosítójú EU projekt dolgozott ki.”

In English: ”The student completed the requisite learning outcomes of the Human-Centred Artificial In­telligence Master's (HCAIM) programme, defined by the INEA/CEF/ICT/A2020/2267304 EU project.”

The HCAIM website at BME:

Budapest, February 19, 2023

1Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence Master’s

2European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System

3Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence Diploma Supplement, HCAIM Certificate

Students who have started the HCAI Master's in 2023 or later have different course requirements than those who started it earlier, please look at the proper webpages below.