Join us for 20-mile day walks in the city or in the country a train ride from London


Our members enjoy an active group offering Social Walks and Challenge Events.


Central London

Trafalgar Square - at London's heart



Our social walks are typically conducted at a fairly brisk pace of around 20 miles with a lunch stop.
They utilise the extensive network of footpaths and bridle ways mostly in London, Surrey, Sussex, Kent & Essex.
You will not need a car to join us as all our social walks start and finish at a public transport facility, normally a railway station.
The average number of walkers you can expect to meet on any one walk is 15.

Next walk:  Saturday 1st June - MKCT.    21 miles from Bletchley railway station.  For more information, click here

To access our future walks programme click here

For the report of our most recent walk(s) click here

Click on the link below for important information concerning our social walks and our dogs policy   




We hold two Challenge Events each year

The Capital Challenge - a 26-28 mile event held in April encompassing parks, open spaces and the sights of London.  The 2024 Capital Challenge took place on Saturday 6th April 2024.  The results can be found here 

The Founders Challenge - a 19 and 30 mile event held in the Surrey Hills in October each year.  The 2023 Founders Challenge took place on Saturday 21st October.  The results can be found here 


AGM 2024

The 2024 AGM took place on 21st February 2024.  The draft minutes can be viewed by clicking here



Weekly Update - our members receive an email informing them of the forthcoming weeks activitiesThis is replicated in the News section of the website.  To view the current update click here

Walk Reports - The reports by the walk leaders are detailed in the Report/Photo section. To view the latest report click here 



You will be welcome on any of our walks.  Just turn up and introduce yourself to the walk leader, you can participate in three walks before joining.

Go to for details on how to join the LDWA National organisation and appoint the London Group as your primary group.



A view of the River Thames on an evening walk led by Gordon Parker.  Photograph by Keith Lane.


A group of LDWA London members, having just escaped from the maze at Crystal Palace Park, on an

amazing 24 mile walk led by Ron Williamson.  Photograph by Gavin Fuller.


You can read about the history of our Group by clicking this link..


You can read the London Group constitution (revised Feb 2024) by clicking this link..