Vulnerability Matters podcasts

Welcome to the Vulnerability Matters podcasts from the Money Advice Trust, a series that examines from a range of perspectives how firms are supporting consumers in vulnerable situations.

Our latest episodes:
Working in a crisis podcast series: 
In light of the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak, getting help to your customers in vulnerable circumstances as soon as possible and supporting your staff through this crisis will be a high priority.  


We provide your staff with the practical support and tools they need to help your customers in vulnerable circumstances.


  • Helps you meet legal and compliance responsibilities.
  • Improves your debt recovery rates.
  • Improves your reputation as a responsible creditor that treats customers fairly.
  • Improves broken repayment arrangements, and minimises the likelihood of extra financial costs.


  • In-house: we come to you and deliver a one-day session customised for your staff. This includes access to e-learning as a pre-course module.
  • Virtual learning: Recreating our face-to-face course experience in an interactive virtual classroom setting, our newly available virtual courses are designed to provide your staff with the practical support and tools they need to help your customers and clients, whilst meeting your business objectives.
  • E-learning: a 30-40 minute e-learning package.
  • Consultancy: we work with you to develop training, policies and principles that take your workplace practices into account.

If you would like further information, or to discuss how we might be able to support your work in this area, please do not hesitate to get in touch

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