European Contraception Policy Atlas Europe 2023

Contraception Policy Atlas Europe 2023 

Access to contraception should be a key concern of governments in empowering citizens to plan their families and lives. Yet the Contraception Atlas – a map that scores 46 countries throughout geographical Europe on access to modern contraception since 2017 - continues to reveal a very uneven picture across Europe and an increased divide between Eastern and Western Europe.

Download the Contraception Policy Atlas Europe 2023 here.

The findings show that for many European countries, ensuring that people have choice over their reproductive lives is not a priority. Now in its fourth edition, the Atlas tracks government policies on access to contraceptive supplies, family planning counselling and online information.



The Contraception Atlas Methodology is based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). When facing a problem of decision making, for example, selection of the best alternative or benchmarking of alternatives, one has to consider many factors, objectives, and criteria with respect to the goal (e.g. cost, available resources, …). Afterwards, based on selected objectives, one has to consider different alternatives and choose the one that seems to be the best with respect to meeting all the requirements. Additionally, there might be multiple decision makers who are addressing the same issue with different points of view on the problem.

Who is behind the Atlas

A group of experts in sexual and reproductive health and rights designed the questions and structures for the Contraception Atlas. They include medical doctors, academics, youth representatives and politicians with many years of experience and drawn from both Eastern and Western Europe. This groups continue to provide key guidance to the project as the Contraception Atlas evolves.


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Who is involved?

European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health
Medecins du Monde (Greece)
Aga Khan Development Network
Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME)
European Parliament/Belgium
Greens/European Free Alliance