Phoenix BioPower is developing an advanced technology platform that is the basis for the BTC plant (Biomass-Fired Top Cycle). As this plant is based on a new thermodynamic cycle, new principles are applied, and new technology needs to be developed. The basis of the BTC plant in the integration of pressurized gasification with gas turbine combustion and massive steam injection is what allows the BTC plant to perform at the radically higher efficiency levels that it does compared to traditional technologies like the steam cycle. As a basic configuration, the BTC plant is CHP plant for production of heat and power at the same time. In addition to being the basis for a CHP plant, it is also very well suited for BECCS applications for carbon-negative power generation.

Phoenix technology platform is based on four key areas:

  1. BTC plant technology for integration and control of the plant

  2. The Top Cycle gas turbine for ultra-wet conditions and steam injection

  3. The PACS combustion system for ultra-wet combustion

  4. The HFB gasifier for high pressure gasification