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Sylvia Suwan

Breakup & Relationship Coach


Are you experiencing any of the following?

​Your relationship has recently ended

You're going through a separation and need clarity and guidance to help you through this transition

Your relationship ended a while ago but you haven't moved on as well as you expected

You're in a constant battle with your partner and feel like the relationship is on the verge of ending

You've experienced past trauma and its effecting your relationships

My name is Sylvia Suwan. I help you Heal from Heartbreak, build better relationships and find love again

A breakup is one of the most complex and uniquely painful experiences you will go through yet no-one teaches you how to get through it. You might hear the common advice "time will heal" or "just move on, things will get better." But this advice doesn't address the necessary process one has to go through to work through your emotions, understand them on a deeper level, and build the knowledge that will eventually help you overcome future challenges. These are critical skills one should develop if you are to ever find peace again.

Healing isn't just a bunch of clichés to follow. Its a complex, individual and introspective process. The common misconception is if you don't feel anything anymore, you must be over it. The truth is, most people who do this have just learned to live with the pain because in that sense - time does create distance from your pain. So while you are in the throes, ask yourself - is the investment in my own wellbeing worth the peace I will find if I can move through this?

As a divorcee myself, having my marriage end after 17 years together with 2 young children, I have also been there. I understand the devastation and that feeling when everyday is a struggle, not wanting to do the basic everyday tasks. In the throes it can feel like the end of the world, and all you want is for the never-ending pain to end.

While this is excruciating and difficult; its not all it will be. Most of your pain lies in the unknowing. The uncertainty that you may never come out of this feeling your ex was the be-all, end-all.

But you don't have to experience another day of this uncertainty. You can learn TODAY what actionable steps you can start taking to help you begin the process of moving on, and find hope that there is light at the end of this tunnel.

Don't wait for time to heal you.

You have the power to heal yourself, and with the right guidance you can be on the path to a better life in just 10 weeks.

Laptop On Tray

''I started this program thinking my life was over; however, little did I know that there was light at the end of the tunnel and Sylvia's words, and engagement activities helped get me to where I am today. I'm grateful beyond words''.

Courtney Randall xx

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