Fathers after Lockdown: transforming workplaces, transforming families

Fathers after Lockdown: transforming workplaces, transforming families

BritainThinks & Fatherhood Institute |Fathers after lockdown

By Thinks Insight & Strategy

Date and time

Wed, 9 Jun 2021 06:00 - 07:00 PDT



About this event

During the Spring 2020 lockdown in Britain, fathers spent more time at home with their families than at any point since before the Industrial Revolution.

Lockdown Fathers: the untold story, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, details their experiences and their aspirations for ways of working post-pandemic. Fathers want to maintain the balance widely achieved during lockdown of working effectively while parenting their children better.

Drawing on a nationally representative survey-sample of more than 2,000 men with children aged under-12, the study explored the lockdown’s impact on physical and mental health (20% reported improvement), relationships with children and partner - and parenting skills. Two-thirds report a better father-child relationship post lockdown, two-fifths feel more confident as parents and better able to support their children’s schoolwork, and three-fifths report greater awareness of the importance of fathers spending time with their children. Aspirations include more remote working (63%) and more flexibility in working time (76%).

Please join us for a presentation and discussion of the findings and their implications for employers, employees. gender equality and family wellbeing on Wednesday 9th June at 2pm. The webinar will include a presentation from the Fatherhood Institute, before Q&A and discussion with attendees.

Please note that the webinar will be run using Zoom. Spaces are limited so please register as soon as possible to ensure your place. You will receive joining details via email 24 hours before the webinar.

If you are unable to attend and would like to receive a recording of the presentation after the event, please contact events@britainthinks.com

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