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TRUST – TRansparency, Integrity and AnticorrUption in a public-private SysTem


Deadline for Registration



Gaetana Morgante, Giuseppe Di Vetta


June 6th -10th, 2022

Learning objectives

The Seasonal School TRUST aims to provide participants with a holistic understanding of corruption. Corruption has increasingly taken on the characteristics of a systemic crime involving both public and private sectors, economy, democracy and civil society. Understanding the multidisciplinary and multidimensional nature of corruption will allow participants to acquire the necessary skills for a comprehensive analysis based on the synergy between the public and private sectors. Participants will experience the crucial cross-fertilization between public and private entities in the broad perspective of the importance of the trade-off between performance, efficiency and Integrity both in public institutions and private corporations. At the end of the Seasonal School participants will be skilled to approach corruption from prevention to repression actions, from legal to ethical and economical questions in line with the current best practice adopted at a European and international level.

Teaching methodologies

Students will find an interactive and multi-disciplinary learning environment that facilitate comprehensive understanding and analysis as well as strong decision-making, strategic communication, and leadership. Several experts coming from public and private sectors will participate to the program presenting their experience.

Who should attend this Seasonal School?

Undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students from different backgrounds (e.g. law, social and political science, economics…) who are interested in understanding how to prevent and fight corruption in the aforementioned comprehensive approach.

Coordinator and key teaching staff

  • Prof. Gaetana Morgante (coordinator)
  • Dott. Giuseppe Di Vetta (co-coordinator)
  • Dott. Elena Vivaldi
  • Prof. Giuseppe Martinico
  • Dott. Giacomo Delle Donne
  • Prof. Alberto Pirni
  • Prof. David Natali
  • Prof. Francesco Testa
  • Prof. Maria Francesca Romano
  • Prof. Tommaso Cucinotta