
A barrier is something that hinders your ability to deliver adequate amounts of enteral nutrition. Below is a list of 25 items that have been identified as barriers to feeding critically ill patients.

Read each one carefully. Consider if you think the item is a barrier in your PICU, and indicate the DEGREE to which it hinders the provision of enteral nutrition in your PICU on a scale of 0-7 where 0 means ‘not at all’ (you believe that it is not a barrier) and number 7 means ‘an extreme amount’ (you believe that the provision of EN is severely affected by this factor). For each potential barrier, indicate the number that best reflects on average the situation in your ICU.

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Delivery of Enteral Nutrition to the Patient

  Not at all Very little A little A moderate amount A lot A great deal An extreme amount
1. Delay in physicians ordering the initiation of EN.
2. Waiting for physician to order and check x-ray to confirm tube placement.
 3. Frequent displacement of feeding tube, requiring reinsertion.
 4. Delays in initiating motility agents in patients not tolerating enteral nutrition (i.e. high gastric residual volumes).
 5. Delays and difficulties in obtaining small bowel access in patients not tolerating enteral nutrition (i.e. high gastric residual volumes).
 6. In resuscitated, hemodynamically stable patients, other aspects of patient care still take priority over nutrition.
7. Nutrition therapy not routinely discussed on ward rounds. 
8. Severe fluid restriction (especially post-operative cardiac surgery).
9. Conservative PICU feeding protocol.
10. Difficulty in delivering enteral feed due to feeding tube obstruction or pump delivery problems with thickened formula.

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Dietician Support

Please do not answer the next 4 questions if you do not have a dietician

  Not at all Very little A little A moderate amount A lot A great deal An extreme amount
11. Waiting for the dietician to assess the patient.
12. Dietician not routinely present on weekday patient rounds.
13. No or not enough dietician coverage during evenings, weekends and holidays.
14. Not enough time dedicated to education and training on how to optimally feed patients.

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PICU Resources

  Not at all Very little A little A moderate amount A lot A great deal An extreme amount
15. Delays to preparing or obtaining non-standard enteral feeds.
16. No or not enough feeding pumps on the unit.

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Healthcare Professional Attitudes and Behaviour

  Not at all Very little A little A moderate amount A lot A great deal An extreme amount
17. Non-PICU physicians (i.e. surgeons, gastroenterologists) requesting patients not be fed enterally.
18. Nurses failing to progress feeds as per the feeding protocol.
19. Enteral feeds withheld due to diarrhoea.
20. Fear of adverse events due to aggressively enterally feeding patients.
21. Enteral feeds withheld for bedside procedures, such as physiotherapy, turns, and administration of certain medications.
22. Enteral feeds being withheld in advance of procedures or operating department visits.
23. Lack of familiarity with current guidelines for nutrition in the PICU.
24. General belief among PICU team that provision of adequate nutrition does not affect patient outcomes.
25. Lack of staff knowledge and support around breastfeeding mothers.

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Personal Characteristics of the healthcare professional completing this survey

What is your primary clinical specialty?

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How long have you been working in PICU?

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What country is your PICU in?

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What type of PICU do you work in?

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Are there any other things you consider barriers that are not on this list?