University news

Equality, diversity and inclusion: Lessons learnt and action plan

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Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are at the heart of our University’s vision and values. We are committed to ensuring that our University community is one where staff and students feel welcome, listened to, safe, valued and where there is mutual respect. Whilst we have made some progress, we know there is much more to do. 
We have learnt lessons over the past few months from events globally and closer to home, including the incident at Owens Park on 14 November 2020 involving a student and University security staff and associated allegations of assault and racial profiling, which remain subject to an ongoing disciplinary process.
Following this and along with ongoing conversations with our staff and students, we have put together an action plan to address a number of issues.  These include tackling bias in decision-making and behaviours, staff training and development, recruiting diverse staff and how we better engage and communicate with our staff and students so that everyone’s voice can be heard. This deepens our existing EDI policies including our Dignity at Work and Study policy for staff and students.
It’s also clear there is work to do to make sure our staff and students know how to raise complaints and issues and understand how these will be dealt with. We will work in partnership with our staff and students on all aspects of our action plan including developing and delivering a campaign based on our Speak Up! Stand Up! initiative, to empower our people to take action against harassment and discrimination.
Through these actions and those in our Race Matters report and action plan we will make progress, but it is vital that we continue to work together to bring significant changes to our culture, systems and processes to create an environment where all of our staff and students can thrive.
Best wishes,
Professor Nalin Thakkar
Vice-President for Social Responsibility